Terms & conditions
Elliot Smith Sport & Exercise Psychology & Performance Consultancy
Terms & Conditions
A friendly welcome to the website of Elliot Smith Sport & Exercise Psychology (ESSEPP), by using this website you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use.
The content of this website is for your general information and use regarding sport and exercise psychology. The content of this website is subject to change, you (the user of the website) may or may not be informed of changes to the site.
The information presented on this website is grounded in evidence-based research, however, neither ESSEPP nor any third parties can provide any guarantee that the information presented is entirely accurate. By using this website you acknowledge that information on this website may contain some inaccuracies or errors.
A license is required to use the intellectual property of ESSEPP including the name and logo, ESSEPP will consider such requests at its sole discretion.
Unauthorised use of intellectual property owned by ESSEPP, such as the reproduction, modification, distribution or publication of said material, is prohibited. On request, ESSEPP may allow you to use information from this website, provided the information is used responsibly and cited appropriately.
Your use of any information on this website is entirely at your own risk, for which ESSEPP shall not be liable for. It is your own responsibility to ensure that any products, services, or information available via this website meets your specific requirements.
You agree to use this website only for lawful purposes, and in a manner which does not infringe the rights of, restrict, or inhibit the use and enjoyment of this website by any third party. Such restriction and inhibition includes, without limitation, conduct which is unlawful or which may harass or cause distress or inconvenience to any person, and the transmission of obscene or offensive material.
ESSEPP has the right to remove any content you share on this website, without justification. However, ESSEPP is prepared to discuss reasons when requested.
The material on this website may be owned by or licensed to ESSEPP, such as the design, layout, look, appearance, and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited other than in accordance with the copyright notice, which forms part of these terms and conditions.
The photographs of individuals on this site are to illustrate examples sport and exercise psychology in action, they may or may not belong to ESSEPP, and where appropriate references will be made to the source of content not belonging to ESSEPP.
All trade marks reproduced in this website which are not the property of, or licensed to ESSEPP are acknowledged on the website.
ESSEPP cannot guarantee that this website will be available 24 hours a day, neither can it guarantee the website will function as intended, without interruption or error. Although ESSEPP will endeavour to continuously update and preserve a quality experience on this website.
This website may include links to other websites, these links are provided for your convenience to point you in the direction of further useful information. However, these links do not necessarily mean that the websites provided are endorsed, and ESSEPP holds no responsibility for the content of the linked websites.
Your use of this website and any dispute arising out of such use is subject to the laws of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Any questions regarding this website can be addressed by contacting ESSEPP directly.
1.0 Professional standards of practice
1.1 As a member of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES) Elliot Smith Sport & Exercise Psychology (ESSEPP) operates following the Health Care and Professions Council (HCPC) standards of conduct, performance, and ethics https://www.hcpc-uk.org/standards/standards-of-conduct-performance-and-ethics/ which is routinely reviewed and updated.
1.2 To respect the boundaries of the client and practitioner, it is preferred that consultations take place in a neutral setting. For instance, a bedroom is an inappropriate setting for a practitioner to operate. The environment in which the consultation occurs should be one where all parties involved feel safe and assured. Via practitioner-client communication a suitable location will be agreed upon prior to consultation meetings.
1.3 Working with younger individuals (< 18 years) requires parental consent from a suitable legal guardian. Operating on a one-to-one basis with younger athletes may or may not be appropriate, the conditions of practice must first be discussed with those who provide parental consent. In some circumstances, legal guardians may be requested to join or exit the consultation meeting, provided it is consented by both the guardians and the young person(s).
2.0 This service will respect the boundaries of your confidentiality and will not disclose your information to a third party unless legally bound to do so (e.g. child protection).
2.1 This service will keep your personal information secure on a protected online server that can only be privately accessed.
2.2 This service will only pass on your information to a third party (typically as a report) when requested to do so and will always ask for your permission to do this.
2.3 Under the circumstance when you may be in significant danger of harming yourself or someone else the HCPC standards of conduct maintain that your information be shared with a third party, with or without your consent.
2.4 For instance, should you display severe symptoms of a mental health disorder, like suicidal thoughts or intentions to harm others, this service is inclined to share your information to a third party in order to help protect you and anyone you may intend to harm.
ESSEPP consultancy is not an NHS service and therefore does not receive any funding or grants. This practice cannot be sustained without covering administration costs. If your case is referred to ESSEPP and you decide to cancel your first appointment and disengage from the service being offered, you will be invoiced an administration charge of £7.50 and this payment is expected within 7 days following your cancellation.
3.0 Payment for ESSEPP services should be made by bank transfer, according to the invoice you receive. For the payment ‘reference’ please use your last name and invoice number/date of contact, so that I can identify the payment more easily.
3.1 Should you choose to cancel your scheduled consultation, please may you notify ESSEPP 7 days in advance of your consultation, notification by email es.sportspsych@gmail.com and/or phone +44 744 948 4340
3.1.1 Failure to comply with these expectations (see 3.2) will attract a cancellation charge. Specifically, any cancellations made with less than 7 days notice will result in a charge of at least £15.00 depending on the service you had initially requested.
3.2. Where circumstances prevent you from providing notice of a cancellation within 7 days, the cancellation charge may either be revoked or discounted, at the sole discretion of the practitioner.
3.2.1 If you cancel your scheduled appointment and fail to give notice (of any kind) of said cancellation you will be charged the full rate for the service you initially requested.
3.3 Whilst some consultation practices offer fixed fees for specific services, ESSEPP is prepared to work flexibly to suit the requirements of its clients. Therefore, the fee that your service will attract may vary.
3.3.1 The fees you are required to pay will be explicitly documented in the invoice you receive, with a clear breakdown of the prices incurred. Please refer to the invoice for clarity.
3.3.2 Whilst these services offer a competitive price with great value for each and every client, in the eventuality that you wish to dispute the fees listed on the invoice you received, you may contact ESSEPP directly. ESSEPP aspires to communicate about fees openly, and any disputes against the fees incurred will be met with a discussion between the practitioner and client until a harmonious solution is declared.
3.4 Customary fees for services. Please note that fees are open to change, ESSEPP strives to provide tailored services for each and every client, as a result a one-size-fits-all approach is not always appropriate. The listings below serve as a guiding framework, any fees that you are invoiced will be matched with the services you are offered. Each invoice will be accompanied by a clear description of which services were utilised, and how these services incurred the listed fee.
Cancellation Charges
There is some flexibility, in terms of the services provided as well as the fees incurred. If you are interested in a different kind of service, please contact es.sportspsych@gmail.com to enquire about whether you may be eligible for consultancy.
Failure to provide notice of your cancellation will result in the receipt of the full charge that was initially agreed upon.
Email and telephone policy
Whilst ESSEPP consultancy does not wish to charge its clients per every moment of communication, and would in fact like to encourage regular, open communication, some instances of email or telephone/mobile communication may exceed that which ESSEPP can consider free of charge.
4.0 If necessary, ESSEPP can receive confidential reports, letters, and/or additional information via email. The review and processing of said content may incur a fee, which will be clearly listed on your invoice.
4.1 Mobile or telephone calls, depending on their length and content may also attract a fee. Whether or not calls will be charged, and how they will be charged, is open to discussion between the practitioner and client, and charges will be documented clearly on the invoice.
Prior to your appointment(s)
5.0 Leading up to your appointment(s) you may receive a questionnaire or survey to complete yourself. These tools assist the practitioner in better understanding your background and overall profile. These documents contain personal (and valuable) information regarding your case.
5.1 Once completed, please either post (ESSEPP does not wish to openly disclose its home address, for a postal address please contact ESSEPP directly) or email the documents to ESSEPP. You are advised to retain a copy of the documents for your own keeping.
Anti-discrimination policy
6.0 ESSEPP consultancy values people for their differences and will promote self-worth around any differences that a person may possess, these may be around their sexual preference or orientation, mental health status, political and religious beliefs, age, gender or ethnicity.
Health and safety
7.0 ESSEPP may operate in numerous settings, for example, clients’ homes, schools, or clinic based settings. Wherever ESSEPP is based the service will adhere to all the health and safety regulations that apply to the site, building, or organisation.
8.0 Hopefully you will never have to file a complaint against ESSEPP, but if you have a concern please put it in writing and send it directly to ESSEPP via email. Alternatively, feel welcome to organise a meeting with ESSEPP where your concern can be voiced, and an appropriate solution can be reached.
8.1 Any complaint may also be sent to the operating bodies that guide and govern ESSEPP, such as the BASES (https://www.bases.org.uk/) or the HCPC (https://www.hcpc-uk.org/)